About Us
Nestled at the foot of Wharepuhunga Mountain at the north-eastern tip of the King Country lies Aotearoa Station.
Aotearoa Station is one of the last remaining lands belonging to the Ngati Raukawa people – Now a thriving dairy and drystock farming enterprise involving sheep, cattle and dairying on 1866 hectares. The Aotearoa Trust administers one of the last remaining significant blocks of land belonging to the Ngati Raukawa people. The land surrounds the iconic Hoturoa Marae at Arohena in the South Waikato.

Our Vision
Ko Raukawa te Iwi
Ko Aotearoa te Papa
Ko Hoturoa te Tangata
He moemoeā nā ngā Kaitiaki o te whenua
Kia mau ki te whenua i waihotia iho e o tātou tupuna matua Hei painga mō te Iwi, taenoa ki ngā uri whakatupu o Raukawa
To be the guardians of the land and assets
passed down by our ancestors,
for the benefit of our people
and future generations of
Our History
Owners with progressive foresight sought the amalgamation of numerous smaller land titles in 1951; this allowed land development to commence on the 4200 acre block into a large-scale sheep and beef cattle property under the control of the Maori Affairs Department.
The current Trust assumed control of the land in 1982 and has since grown, intensified and diversified to become a successful mixed farming business encompassing dairying, sheep and cattle fattening and cropping.
The goals of the farming business are based on achieving the best outcomes, for a growing shareholding, on a sustainable long term basis. Along with annual dividend distributions the Trust has a strong focus on education funding for its whanau.
The Aotearoa Trust prides itself on providing Education Grants to school-age and tertiary students of beneficial ownership attending school in New Zealand.