Grants & Scholarships
Kaumātua Grant
The trustees of Aotearoa Trust have resolved to pay a Kaumātua Grant of $1,000 to Beneficial Owners who are over the age of 65. This payment is to assist with the wellbeing of Kaumātua and will be scheduled to be paid in July each year.

Education Grants
The Aotearoa Trust prides itself on providing Education Grants to students of beneficial ownership attending education providers in New Zealand.
Early Childhood Education Grant
Parents/Caregivers of children attending a registered early childhood education provider can apply for a Grant to assist in meeting the fees required.
School Age Student Grant
Caregivers of students at school can apply for a Grant to assist meeting school fees depending on their age and school level.
Academic, Professional, Trade, Farming & Horticultural Scholarship
The aim of these scholarships is to assist and encourage our young whānau to complete tertiary studies at Academic, Professional, Trade, Farming & Horticultural levels.
Returning Scholars only – Academic, Professional, Trade, Farming & Horticultural Scholarship
The aim of these scholarships is to assist and encourage our young whānau to complete tertiary studies.